Sorry folks..
Long time no post because im very busy at work and hadn´t that time to go skiing in the summer.
So i went to Kaunertal with my mum for the first time skiing since April. The park was sweet with a nice medium kicker and a downrail a downflat rail and a big tank.. It was a jamsession format and everybody must have 4 runs the best run on the rail line and the best run on the kicker line counts.
I made on the kickerline a misty 7 critical and a sw 50/50 to nollie 180 out on the tank. My rail run was a hardway 270° to a handdrag 3 over the whole tank. I was very stoked to landed the tricks and had so much fun for the first time skiing this season. Everybody had good runs. I got 3rd Place and im really happy for that .
Hera a few pics and a video from the Contestday,. ENJOY...